Benefits of Cathedralized Attic Insulation
Oct 11, 2013 • Phoenix Area, AZ
Insulate the Shea Way
Oct 11, 2013 • Phoenix Area, AZ
Over the last decade new home construction has changed in many positive ways with energy efficiency leading the way. New homes are now constructed to be more efficient than ever before. Here are a few features from the ENERGY STAR® website which we build into our homes:
These great improvements mean lower energy bills and greater comfort while protecting our environment! How awesome is that!
At Shea Homes here in Arizona, we are constantly staying ahead of the curve with building science and taking energy efficiency to a higher level for our valued customers. One aspect of this building science is our adoption of a process we call, “Cathedralized Attic” insulation. The name alone conjures up images of the most famous cathedrals in the world, doesn’t it! So what the heck is this you might ask? Read on for more details, and also check out our video!
A Cathedralized Attic, also known as conditioned attic space, is an unvented attic with the insulation installed between the upper wood members of the roof trusses instead of at the lower wood members above the drywall ceiling (see red area in the drawing below). As you may be aware, the Arizona heat can be brutal and has historically been known to heat our attic temperatures up to 40 degrees higher than the outside air. By moving the insulation from the lower members in the attic to the upper members it dramatically changes how your attic will perform. This method of installation now treats your attic as a semi-conditioned space (see light blue area of drawing below).
Here are just a few of the benefits:
Oh and by the way, one more benefit for you… you can save up to 25% off of your heating and cooling bills by having your attic insulated the Shea Way, and of course that means more money in your pocket!!
Currently, Shea Homes only offers Cathedralized Attic Insulation in select communities. For more information on these communities, please visit