Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries have long been associated as a strong source of antioxidants, something important for baby boomer health. In recent years the acai berry has risen to prominence as one of the new super foods and is especially good for the 55+ active adult. This dark purple fruit originates from the acai palm, of the Arecaceae family of palm trees of Central and South America and has been a stalwart of the Amazonian diet for centuries.

While studies are still being undertaken to determine benefits to serious health concerns like diabetes and cancer it’s clear that acai is a good source of fiber, antioxidants and fats that are heart healthy. This tiny berry also has a low glycemic index which is good news if you like a bit of sweet but want to watch your sugar intake.

If you’re looking to add a new healthy fruit to your morning smoothie, acai is a great one to put into your rotation.  For a smoothie packed with antioxidant powerhouse berries try this Acai Pomegranate Blast Smoothie.


This powerful fruit can be combined with yogurt and granola for a hearty but healthy breakfast that will give you energy to  help you power through your morning tasks.

For a delicious dessert try a simple but lovely Acai Sorbet whose sole ingredients include acai pulp, agave nectar and lemon juice.

You can typically find this fruit in your local health food store in the form of pulp, juice, powder or concentrate. Although powder may be the most convenient, the pulp form of acai berry is likely to have a higher quality due to less processing. Whichever form you use be sure to read the cooking instructions well as the amount needed will vary to great degree. This fruit tends to have a red wine and chocolate taste so keep that in mind as you use this super food in your next meal.

Enjoy cooking with this powerful source of antioxidants!


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