A Stunning Space for Your Second Act
Feb 28, 2019
Casita Guest Suite at Trilogy Monarch Dunes
Feb 28, 2019
For many people, retirement isn’t about stopping, or even slowing down. It’s about shifting. It’s looking ahead to the future and getting excited as you think, “What’s next?” You’ve moved on from the career that defined your life for so many decades, or the responsibilities of raising a family, and you’re experiencing a newfound freedom of time, energy, and perhaps even financial freedom, with education costs behind you.
So, what will you do with this freedom? Go back to school? Turn a passion into a small business? Devote your time to a cause that’s close to your heart? Build new relationships? Explore the world? Go all-in on grandparenting?
At Trilogy, we know you have big plans—and we’ve designed our gorgeous homes to fit whatever you’re dreaming up for your second act.
Never Stop Learning
Heading back to school? Whether you’re pursuing a PhD or learning the basics of coding, you’ll need a dedicated study spot to keep you organized and inspired. Choose a floorplan with a home office and get excited to make it your own with bookshelves, a roomy desk, and a favorite plush chair that will keep you comfy through long study sessions.
Share Your Love of Music
Or maybe you’ll turn a cozy den into your own personal music room. Fill the walls with your favorite guitars, dust off your well-loved wind instrument, or turn your passion for piano into a side business. Giving lessons to your neighbors can be a source of income and a source of new friends, as you share your lifelong love of music with your fellow Trilogy homeowners.
Release Your Inner Artist
Bright, beautiful, and open, a loft is the perfect perch for a budding or master artist. Here you can spread out your supplies and get creative in a space that’s just removed enough that you won’t feel like you’re on display—until you’re ready to be. Extra loft storage space makes it easy to manage all of your materials, too. When your artwork is complete, display it all along the walls and enjoy your gorgeous gallery of one-of-a-kind work.
Build a Business
Feeling entrepreneurial? Your SmartSpace™ just might be your favorite room in the house. It’s so much easier to turn that brilliant idea into a bustling small business if you have an inspiring spot to make it happen. This is your behind-the-scenes base for brainstorming, planning, and producing. Best of all, it’s removed from the public spaces of your home, so you don’t have to worry about your work-in-progress and the messiness of the creative process when guests come over.
Pursue a Hands-on Hobby
If you love working with your hands and are glad to finally have the time to take up woodworking, classic car restoration, or model building, you’ll need some space to spread out and pursue your passion. Find a floorplan with an expanded garage, or even better, a separate 3rd or golf cart garage, that can be used as a hobby workshop. You’ll be able to drill, saw, and hammer away without bothering anyone in the main house—and when you need a second wind, simply open the garage door and get an inspiring breath of fresh air.
Map Out Your Travel Bucket List
One of the best things about retirement is having the time to explore new places and discover new favorite destinations around the world. Why not have a room that reflects your love of all things travel? Turn your flex space into a dedicated area for mapping out your travel bucket list, complete with a giant map on the wall of your past journeys and the many spots you plan to visit. Oh, the places you’ll go!
Build Family Bonds
Excited to re-connect with far-flung family and friends in retirement? Choose a floorplan with a spacious guest suite or additional bedrooms, and your loved ones will have a comfortable space to relax and unwind when they come to visit. Or, opt for a plan with a full casita and your guests will feel right at home for extended stays. A casita offers extra privacy and freedom for you and your guests, as you can both feel free to come and go as you please—while still connecting as often as you’d like.
Whether you choose to spend your second act learning, creating, exploring, or giving, your Trilogy home will be your inspiring home base. So go ahead and ask yourself. “What’s next?”